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1 RouterOptions

createRouter 的参数的类型

export declare type PathParserOptions = Pick<_PathParserOptions, 'end' | 'sensitive' | 'strict'>;

 * Options to initialize a {@link Router} instance.
export declare interface RouterOptions extends PathParserOptions {
     * History implementation used by the router. Most web applications should use
     * `createWebHistory` but it requires the server to be properly configured.
     * You can also use a _hash_ based history with `createWebHashHistory` that
     * does not require any configuration on the server but isn't handled at all
     * by search engines and does poorly on SEO.
     * @example
     * ```js
     * createRouter({
     *   history: createWebHistory(),
     *   // other options...
     * })
     * ```
    history: RouterHistory;
     * Initial list of routes that should be added to the router.
    routes: Readonly<RouteRecordRaw[]>;
     * Function to control scrolling when navigating between pages. Can return a
     * Promise to delay scrolling. Check {@link ScrollBehavior}.
     * @example
     * ```js
     * function scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) {
     *   // `to` and `from` are both route locations
     *   // `savedPosition` can be null if there isn't one
     * }
     * ```
    scrollBehavior?: RouterScrollBehavior;
     * Custom implementation to parse a query. See its counterpart,
     * {@link RouterOptions.stringifyQuery}.
     * @example
     * Let's say you want to use the [qs package](
     * to parse queries, you can provide both `parseQuery` and `stringifyQuery`:
     * ```js
     * import qs from 'qs'
     * createRouter({
     *   // other options...
     *   parseQuery: qs.parse,
     *   stringifyQuery: qs.stringify,
     * })
     * ```
    parseQuery?: typeof parseQuery;
     * Custom implementation to stringify a query object. Should not prepend a leading `?`.
     * {@link RouterOptions.parseQuery | parseQuery} counterpart to handle query parsing.
    stringifyQuery?: typeof stringifyQuery;
     * Default class applied to active {@link RouterLink}. If none is provided,
     * `router-link-active` will be applied.
    linkActiveClass?: string;
     * Default class applied to exact active {@link RouterLink}. If none is provided,
     * `router-link-exact-active` will be applied.
    linkExactActiveClass?: string;

export declare function createRouter(options: RouterOptions): Router

2 RouteRecordRaw 和 RouteRecordNormalized



  • RouteRecordRaw 是配置路由时,由用户输入的路由记录
  • RouteRecordNormalized 用户输入的路由记录,经路由系统解析后得到的标准路由记录

2.1 RouteRecordRaw


  • 使用 createRouter 的选项 routes 的类型,及其中的 children 的类型。
  • 作为 addRoute 的参数的类型。
export declare type PathParserOptions = Pick<_PathParserOptions, 'end' | 'sensitive' | 'strict'>;

 * @internal
export declare interface _PathParserOptions {
     * Makes the RegExp case sensitive. Defaults to false
    sensitive?: boolean;
     * Should we disallow a trailing slash. Defaults to false
    strict?: boolean;
     * Should the RegExp match from the beginning by prepending a `^` to it. Defaults to true
     * @internal
    start?: boolean;
     * Should the RegExp match until the end by appending a `$` to it. Defaults to true
    end?: boolean;

 * Common properties among all kind of {@link RouteRecordRaw}
 * @internal
export declare interface _RouteRecordBase extends PathParserOptions {
     * Path of the record. Should start with `/` unless the record is the child of
     * another record.
     * @example `/users/:id` matches `/users/1` as well as `/users/posva`.
    path: string;
     * Where to redirect if the route is directly matched. The redirection happens
     * before any navigation guard and triggers a new navigation with the new
     * target location.
    redirect?: RouteRecordRedirectOption;
     * Aliases for the record. Allows defining extra paths that will behave like a
     * copy of the record. Allows having paths shorthands like `/users/:id` and
     * `/u/:id`. All `alias` and `path` values must share the same params.
    alias?: string | string[];
     * Name for the route record.
    name?: RouteRecordName;
     * Before Enter guard specific to this record. Note `beforeEnter` has no
     * effect if the record has a `redirect` property.
    beforeEnter?: NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined> | NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>[];
     * Arbitrary data attached to the record.
    meta?: RouteMeta;
     * Array of nested routes.
    children?: RouteRecordRaw[];

 * Route Record defining one single component with the `component` option.
declare interface RouteRecordSingleView extends _RouteRecordBase {
     * Component to display when the URL matches this route.
    component: RawRouteComponent;
    components?: never;
    children?: never;
    redirect?: never;
     * Allow passing down params as props to the component rendered by `router-view`.
    props?: _RouteRecordProps;

export declare type RouteRecordRaw = RouteRecordSingleView | RouteRecordSingleViewWithChildren | RouteRecordMultipleViews | RouteRecordMultipleViewsWithChildren | RouteRecordRedirect;

2.2 RouteRecordNormalized


  • getRoutes 返回的数组中的每项的类型;
  • 导航守卫中 tofrom 中的 matched 的类型。
 * Normalized version of a {@link RouteRecord | route record}.
export declare interface RouteRecordNormalized {
     * {@inheritDoc _RouteRecordBase.path}
    path: _RouteRecordBase['path'];
     * {@inheritDoc _RouteRecordBase.redirect}
    redirect: _RouteRecordBase['redirect'] | undefined;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    name: _RouteRecordBase['name'];
     * {@inheritDoc RouteRecordMultipleViews.components}
    components: RouteRecordMultipleViews['components'] | null | undefined;
     * Nested route records.
    children: RouteRecordRaw[];
     * {@inheritDoc _RouteRecordBase.meta}
    meta: Exclude<_RouteRecordBase['meta'], void>;
     * {@inheritDoc RouteRecordMultipleViews.props}
    props: Record<string, _RouteRecordProps>;
     * Registered beforeEnter guards
    beforeEnter: _RouteRecordBase['beforeEnter'];
     * Registered leave guards
     * @internal
    leaveGuards: Set<NavigationGuard>;
     * Registered update guards
     * @internal
    updateGuards: Set<NavigationGuard>;
     * Registered beforeRouteEnter callbacks passed to `next` or returned in guards
     * @internal
    enterCallbacks: Record<string, NavigationGuardNextCallback[]>;
     * Mounted route component instances
     * Having the instances on the record mean beforeRouteUpdate and
     * beforeRouteLeave guards can only be invoked with the latest mounted app
     * instance if there are multiple application instances rendering the same
     * view, basically duplicating the content on the page, which shouldn't happen
     * in practice. It will work if multiple apps are rendering different named
     * views.
    instances: Record<string, ComponentPublicInstance | undefined | null>;
     * Defines if this record is the alias of another one. This property is
     * `undefined` if the record is the original one.
    aliasOf: RouteRecordNormalized | undefined;

export declare type RouteRecord = RouteRecordNormalized;


3 RouteLocationRaw 和 RouteLocationNormalized



  • RouteLocationRaw 导航时,用户配置的路由地址
  • RouteLocationNormalized 用户配置的路由地址,经路由系统解析后得到的标准路由地址

3.1 RouteLocationRaw


  • 传递给 pushredirect方法的参数的类型;
  • <router-link> props to 的类型;
  • 用于在导航首位中返回。
export declare type RouteLocationRaw = string | RouteLocationPathRaw | RouteLocationNamedRaw;


router.push({ path: '/users/posva', hash: '#bio' })
router.push({ name: 'users', params: { username: 'posva' }, hash: '#bio' })

3.2 RouteLocationNormalized

标准化的路由地址,没有任何重定向记录。在导航守卫中,to 和 from 总是属于这种类型。

上面的 router.push('/users/posva#bio') 经解析后可以得到 RouteLocationNormalized 类型对象,

  fullPath: '',
  hash: '#bio',
  query: '',
  matched: [
    // ...
  meta: '',
  name: '',
  params: { username: 'posva' },
  path: '/users/posva',
  redirectedFrom: ''